
    Department of Speech & Audiology


    • Speech therapy : Childrens and Adults – stuttering, cluttering, Oro peripheral exercises, Dysarthria, stroke, critical age period, phonological age period.
    • Language therapy : Childrens and adults- Intellectual Disability, Hearing impairment, multiple disability, Aphasia, Autism and ADHD, all syndrome conditions.
    • Articulation therapy : Misarticulation , SODA errors, dysfluencies, Articulatory errors, mis- pronunciation of words. Articulation drill, DDK,MPD.
    • Voice therapy: Puberophonia, androphonia, aphonia, vocal cord paralysis, spasmodic dysphonia, unilateral vocal cord paralysis, other voice related conditions.
    • Swallowing and deglutition therapy : NG tube /Ryles tube swallowing program, PEG tube swallowing therapy , CVA Strokes, ischemic stroke, MCA infract strokes, cerebral strokes- Ataxic dysarthria, Parkinson’s ,pigs disease, PSP-Progressive supranuclear palsy, ALS,MLS, Motor neuron disease .
    • Neurological speech and language therapy: Aphasia, Apraxia, Dysarthria, Parkinson’s, PSP, CAPD-Central auditory processing disorder, Spasmodic dysphonia,
    • Vestibular therapy : Vertigo management, vestibular exercises, balancing excercices, nystagmus control management,
    • Tinnitus retraining therapy : Subjective tinnitus therapy , objective tinnitus therapy, neurological tinnitus therapy,


    • NHS( neonatal hearing screening)
    • Audiological evaluation : Oto scopic examination

    Pure tone Audiometry, Tunning fork test

    Impedance Audiometry

    Reflexometry, Pediatric Audiometry

    BERA, OAE- Oto Acoustic emission

    • Hearing aid trail –HAT
    • Hearing aid fitting-HAF
    • Hearing aid programming
    • Programming of CI
    • Auditory verbal therapy – AVT
    • AVT for CI and HI
    • Tinnitus retraining therapy TRT

    Test materials : REELS, 3DLAT, GSHOH, TTAP, HTAP, ISAA, BDAE, WAB, FDA, ASE, Swallowing test tool, swallowing questionnaire, OPME,Voice evaluation, VHI, PRAAT , WAGHMI, LPT, STORY TESTS, CAPD TESTS. TFT, ANT, etc.